Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My BACK Story-9 weeks post op!

Hello Everyone! 

So for those of you who have come across my blog because you are having (or interested in having) spinal fusion, I want to reintroduce myself! My name is Alaine, and I was diagnosed with double scoliosis in April of 2014. I have made this blog as a way for my family and friends to watch my recovery. I had spinal fusion on September 2nd, 2014 and have been blogging about the experience. To see my other blogposts scroll downward on the home page and have fun reading:)


I have survived 9 weeks with titanium rods in my back! My doctor has made it very clear that my rods will not be able to break or shift, so I kinda have an indestructible back...groovy, right?! I often have this scenario in my mind where I wonder if my back were to be hit by a car ( morbid, I know) which would be broken-the car or me?  My bet is on me. 

I have officially returned to school full time, but I am still on Hydrochodon (probably not spelled right) and Valium. The pain is still present, and I am still using my walker, but I feel that I have come a long way from my surgery 9 weeks ago!

-as it is 11/4 today (9 weeks since I became indestructible) I hope to stop using my walker next week (11/11)!
-I want to get my license on my birthday, which is in December, so I want to start driving again (I sincerely hope that I gained some super ability to navigate the roads since my surgery, cuz I'm not the best driver). 
-I have to get rid of my super rad hospital bed (unfortunately), so I need to practice sleeping in my real bed. 
-My final goal is to finish making up all school work!

I am confident in my abilities to accomplish these goals:)

Because I like my blog to share what recovery is actually like, not just unicorns and rainbows, I will share a few setbacks I have experienced:

-I am still unable to walk too quickly or far as it winds me and hurts my back
-I am still getting sick from the medication and the pain 
-it still hurts to wear tight fitting shirts as it hugs my incision site

Speaking of which, MY SCAR LOOKS GREAT! I am so happy with how it looks, and I apply vitamin e oil and scar cream to it to reduce the color!

Funny story actually, my dear family friends bought me this "attachable spine" and, in honor of Halloween, I decided it was a great time to share it with others! Hahahah it got a good amount of gasps and laughs :)

I also want to thank my study hall class of 7th hour-I don't know about you, but I feel like we have truly bonded over my back surgery, and I thank and credit you with many of my back puns:)

I will write a blog post later this week on my tips and tricks to make it through the day after surgery. It will give you a sneak peak into the exciting, adventurous, addicting "life of alaine"

I'll be BACK soon
