Saturday, October 25, 2014

(check) up and at 'em

Hello Everyone! 

I am so sorry that I haven't updated my blog for a little while! As the recovery process is slow, I generally wait to write about something exciting happening. Since my last blog post, I have reached 7 weeks post-op and was able to meet with my doctor! 

I feel "pros and cons" are the best way to explain how I am feeling throughout recovery. 

-I have officially have made it through my first full day back at school on October 22nd!
-I have been working with my teachers to make up work, and they are all amazingly helpful!
-My great friend from school, Rachel, helps me get from class to class without becoming high school road kill!
-And, drum roll please......I was able to showcase my Halloween costume at my school's dance! (Everyone asked if my walker was apart of the costume)


CONs: I have quite a few cons (unfortunately). 
-I am still in a TON of pain (instead of easing off my medication, I was prescribed more to help with the severe pain). 
-I am still working to make up all of the assignments that I missed, which seems a little intimidating. 
-I am still reacting poorly to my medication. After my first full day at school, I came home and threw up throughout the night due to the pain. 
-I'm not healing as quickly as I had hoped and expected. 

At this point, I am upset that the pain levels have not decreased as soon as I hoped. I also feel like I need to act "all healed" at school, but the pain is unbearable at times. 

For those of you who have come across my blog while preparing for your surgery, I would suggest purchasing MANY MANY MANY ice packs. I am talking about enough to build an igloo mansion. Heating irritates my back more and the ice takes the edge off my pain. 

Also, upon meeting with my doctor, I am now cleared to take baths, go swimming, ride bikes, etc. I am so glad I am finally getting back to normal (well, as normal as I can be). 

I am so thankful to all of my friends, family, and teachers who are working with me to bounce back. 

I have high hopes of recovering fully soon! 


Thursday, October 9, 2014

BACK at School


I know it has been over a week since my last blog update, but I got tons of new information to share:)

The biggest news yet is: I HAVE BEEN GOING BACK TO SCHOOL! (I'm returning to school at 5weeks post-op)!

So far my school timeline has been-

October 3- One hour of School
October 6- Two hours of School
October 7- Two hours of School
October 8- Three hours of School
October 9- Four hours of School

I go to an Arts school, where all of the academics are in the morning and the arts are in the afternoon. Because I haven't been well enough to stay at school long, I generally leave during/after academics. I'm not going to lie, going back to school is tough, so I think it would be best to partition the experience into "pros" and "cons"

-I get to see my friends and teachers that I haven't see for over a month
-I get to distract myself from the back pain, which makes a lot better
-I was able to work with my teachers to reduce my workload, saving me a ton of stress

-I am constantly in pain (the chairs at my school are not the comfiest, so I bring a pillow to relieve the pain).
-I feel lost/behind going back to school because I have missed a lot.
-It is difficult for me to maneuver my way around the hallways because I am still unstable on my feet, and my walker is quite bulky.
-I have classes on the 1st and 2nd floors of my school, so I have to wait for the elevator a lot.
-The biggest con is STRESS! My teachers and peers have been amazing in working with me, but there is a certain amount of stress that is inevitable upon returning to school after a major surgery.

So far school is a little crazy and hectic, but I have decorated my walker (it was necessary, of course) and talked to my teachers about making up work!

I am still on all of my medications, as the pain still hasn't subsided, but hopefully I can ease off them soon.

As for any other updates, I have been getting really sick from my medication (AGAIN), and I have thrown up the last couple of days. We also rented a hospital bed for me to use during recovery, and the company is letting us keep it for an additional month (YAY!).  I have also made a point to decorate my house for Halloween!

For those of you who came across this blog because you are having the surgery, I have a few tips I will share at the next blog post :)

Thanks for the SUPPORT ;) and for putting up with my puns.


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