Saturday, August 9, 2014

I've Got Your Back

Hello! For those of you who do not know me, my name is Alaine. I was diagnosed with double scoliosis (a spinal deformity that causes the vertebrae to twist and curve) in April. So to explain where I am now, I believe a little background info is
necessary :)

So, growing up, I have always been known to be quite the hypochondriac. For those of you who know me, yes I know it is hard to believe. I would constantly claim I had acquired many different illnesses and diseases that would cause me to perish fairly soon. Well, after hearing about scoliosis, I became sure I had it too, although my body showed no signs supporting my definitive claims. I began to complain of my back pain (this was actually present; not just a figment of my imagination) to my parents and friends telling them, "I have scoliosis" in many different variations and sentences. However many different ways I swore it true, all receivers of the news would reply in a similar way-a smile and laugh. 

In February of 2014, a large "muscle mass" became present on my lower left back. It was fairly large, and I immediately began to swear I have cancer (yes, I may STILL
 be a hypochondriac). My parents did admit it was weird and often traced my seemingly straight spine, concluding amongst themselves I, in fact, did NOT have scoliosis-dismissing me once again with a smile and laugh. As the mass began to become larger and larger, my parents agreed to take me to my pediatrician in mid-April. Upon showing my doctor the bump, he immediately said he thought it was a scoliosis case. From my bent over stance, I looked up at my dad (who stood there in disbelief), and 3 words  escaped from my mouth- "I told you". We were then sent to take x-rays to confirm the doctor's diagnosis. 

Within the end of the day, it was confirmed, I have double scoliosis with two 45 degree curves located in my thoracic and lumbar region.

Within the month, I was sent to a specialist (referred to by everyone my family knew) and the unthinkable was confirmed-scoliosis surgery was the only way to fix my curved spine.

So, with that background information in order, I begin my blog--less than a month before surgery.  I am scheduled for my spinal fusion on September 2nd, the day following Labor Day. I am determined to maintain this blog so my friends and family can monitor my progress. I also hope to be an example for those interested in the surgery, or are  receiving the surgery. So with that, I begin my journey!


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