Friday, September 5, 2014

Baby Got Back (Surgery)

Legit best title yet.

Hello everybody!
Where do I begin? I apologize for being absent from blogging yesterday. Recovery is not as easy as it seems. I keep throwing up a lot and I'm kind of grossing myself out. To help with the throwing up, I am hooked to countless machines. I have a heart monitor hooked up to my finger and every time I move, I flatline. The nurses and doctors rush in trying to save me. At this point I have died 12 times. Those prayers sure are working.

Let's move on to my favorite subject: The catheter (dun dun dun). You know, peeing in a bag seems like a really good idea but when you cant muster up the urine, nurses pressing on your already hurting stomach isn't the best solution. However, I feel free at last as my catheter was removed this morning.
Furthermore, physical therapy is Hades (Shoutout to Ms. Casillas). I have been able to sit up and walk with my super rad walker (as you can see below).

My back hurts a lot, as can be imagined, and the nausea isn't exactly fun, but I hope it will get better each day.

Thank you all, my lovely family and friends, who are supporting me. I genuinely thought three people would visit me in the hospital. You guys have been so supportive. I seriously can not thank you enough for the countless gifts, flowers, candy, and love.

Shoutout to Dr. White for the morphine. I owe you one. Have fun in Alaska.
I may still be influenced by pain medication, but I'm getting better. As Richard Nixon once gestured, peace. I bid you farewell.

P.S. Thank you Caitlin for being my editor and current writer because all these IVs hooked to my hands make it difficult to type.

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