Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I Just got Back Surgery, and I am all screwed up:

Hello Everybody! It's Alaine, and my day 2 of surgery recovery. So much has happened that it's crazy!

So starting off with last night: I was in the absolute worst pain! My back ached constantly. In order to ease the pain, i had to push this morphine button every 8 minutes. The morphine helped with the back pain, but did not react well with my stomach. Every time I took a sip of water, apple juice, or sprite, I would throw it up immediately. I cannot explain how much I HATE throwing up. Throughout the night, I was given Valium to relax my muscles. It seemed every time I fell asleep, I was awoken 5 minutes later.

Warning: this next paragraph is a little gross-

So, before going into surgery, I asked the nurse to take pictures of the surgery so I could have them :)
This is one of them below:

Once back in the ICU, I passed out immediately. Apparently the first words i said to my doctor went like this (influenced by anesthesia of course):

doctor: your surgery went excellent
me: super rad
doctor: your morphine is to the left
me: groovy

Throughout the night, the nurses would empty the blood drainage from the surgical sight (which is seen below):

And here is the worst part: my catheter wouldn't pick up any urine so they had to push on my stomach to empty it. Also, like said before, I threw up whatever I had eaten.

As of now, I have eaten breakfast, and will eat lunch in a couple of minutes. Below is a picture of my dressing on my back:)

Also if you wanna visit, I will text you the details. :)

Keep Praying?



  1. I'm praying for you. Stay strong, I hope everything gets better really soon!

  2. Hey Alaine it's jake. I hope that you are starting to feel better. Nandee, aunt Cheryl, uncle bob and I are praying for you to have a fast recovery. I can't wait to see you soon! Love jake

  3. I think I was probably a little too excited that I got to see a picture of the inside of your back. I can't wait to see your high on drugs butt today <3
